Lehrstuhl fuer Rechnerorientierte Statistik und Datenanalyse Uni Augsburg  
Institut Forschung Lehre Mitarbeiter News Allgemeines Research Staff Software

Chair for computeroriented statistics and data analysis


Data visualisation
Interactive graphics are a very effective and intuitive way of gaining insights from data, which may be difficult to uncover with standard statistical methods. Visualisation is especially powerful for the analysis of large datasets, as is described in our book "Graphics of Large Datasets".

Exploratory Data Analysis and Exploratory Modelling Analysis
We develop methods in tune with the EDA approach first proposed by John W. Tukey and apply them to exploration of models as well as to data analysis.  We are interested in particular in the seamless integration of classical statistical methods with modern graphics.

Software development
The main research aim of the department is to develop new exploratory tools, tested in practice.  This means that software implementations are essential and a family of interactive software programmes has been written, "the Augsburg Impressionists", from MANET, via KLIMT, MONDRIAN and GAUGUIN to SEURAT and MORET.  Methods have to be theoretically researched, implemented in software and tried out in practice. Our group lays great store on the elegant, consistent and intuitive software implementation of our ideas.  The iPlots project implements our ideas in an R package.  Further R packages have also been written, including vmv and extracat.

We cooperate with other university researchers, with administrative organisations and with commercial companies. We are always interested in new applications for testing our ideas and for the generation of novel visualisation and analytical methods.

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